GTMix is an innovative purchase conversion service.
The essence of the problem to be solved: increase the payback of advertising on the Internet, low conversion into orders, a high percentage of failures on the site.
GTMix generates new customers and reanimates old ones, helps Internet companies and not only solve the problem of low conversion on the site using email remarketing.
We are experts in customizing Google Tag Manager to collect all the necessary analytics and send personalized emails.
Our script works with GTM (Google Tag Manager), transmits events and collects information on users into the service database.
Users and events form segments in the database. Analyzing the data, campaigns are configured in the administrative panel for sending trigger personalized mailings. Sample scripts:
- Thrown viewing;
- Abandoned basket;
- Reactivation;
- posttransaction;
- Newsletter by source.
Services that would be implemented: Example: Link: Production time:100 days